Rising damp

Have you noticed dark spots, damp smells and unpleasant flakes coming from the floor? Then you have a rising damp problem. What are we talking about and how can it be avoided? Read on.

What is rising damp?

Capillarity is a property of liquids which ascend through the layers of the walls until they reach a certain height, causing various problems which cause dampness in the wall, saturating it until those flakes, flaws and dark spots begin to appear, creating unhealthy and unattractive environments.

damp walls

It is necessary to solve the rising damp as soon as possible, since it is made up of mineral salts, chlorides and sulphates which, once they ascend, evaporate and crystallise, remaining permanently on the walls, not only causing their deterioration but also breathing problems.

Causes and places where rising damp appears

Why are they produced? It is possible that the causes are due to:

  • Poor foundation
  • Water proofing
  • Incorrect drainage
  • Contact with groundwater level
  • Breakage of underground installations or saturation of rainwater

There are numerous factors that cause this anomaly but that bring as a consequence detachments of paint layers, blocks, bricks and even superficial parts of concrete and cement structures.

damp in garage

It is necessary to be especially attentive to these places, where they usually come out:

  • Walls
  • Facades
  • Roofs
  • Floors
  • Basements
  • Pillars
  • Windows
  • Interior Walls
damp in house

It is a continuous process that advances in a gradual way, it can be that in the beginning stains of dampness are observed in the wall, but, when the time passes the water evaporates leaving the saltpeter in the walls, that is to say, stains of salt.

The height varies, everything depends on factors such as porosity and the degree of evaporation, this according to the size of the pores of the material that has been built, the larger the size, the greater the ascension.

The mineral salts that crystallize in the walls in union with the stains, are the perfect focus for the appearance of mold, causing a risk to health, so it is recommended to contact specialist companies to solve the damp by capillarity, who will give a diagnosis and possible treatments to remove the capillary damp.

Even if the water evaporates, if an adequate treatment is not made, it will not be removed, becoming more evident during low temperature or rainy seasons.

Looking for damp treatment?

How to prevent and treat rising damp?

Nowadays, effective and long-lasting solutions to eliminate rising damp can be found on the market.

damp treatment

On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid those treatments that only serve to give a better aesthetic aspect such as some types of paints that do not stop the ascent, simply hide the problem and in a short time increase the height of the capillarity, bringing as a consequence an increase in the cost of repairs.

How much does it cost to repair dampness by capillarity?

It will depend on what state it is in and the severity of the problem, so agreeing on a price without this information, becomes virtually impossible.

Some of the most effective methods of repairing dampness by capillarity:

  • Chemical Barriers / Horizontal barrier

This is a process where holes are drilled into the inside of the wall, every 10 or 12 centimeters which are sprayed with a chemical solution that is designed to repel water.

It is important how this procedure is performed because, by doing it the right way and in the right dosage, it will be an efficient solution.

The best solution to avoid this kind of inconvenience is to apply specific and insulating coatings when the construction is being carried out, but unfortunately, in many cases these products are not applied or are done in the correct way and as a consequence the water does not find any kind of barrier that prevents its ascension.

It is the best system to remove rising damp.

What are the consequences of not repairing rising damp?

If no action is taken:

  • It will continue to ascend the walls, eroding their internal structure.
  • Over time it will affect the integrity of the wall.
  • More expensive and complex repair work.

The best thing is to ask for a budget to choose the method that best suits your needs and say goodbye to those horrendous undesirable stains.

Damp Proofing Spain